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Belief in the Akhirat / Hereafter in Islam | Day of Judgment | Significance & Impacts| CSS PMS |

  Introduction:                 The concept of Akhirat in Islam articulates that the prime purpose of this temporary life in this world is the everlasting life in the hereafter. The belief in the Akhirat is so significant that every Prophet of God warned people about the Day of Judgment and asked them to be prepared for the eternal life of hereafter. This belief is the integral component of the scheme of God as it reinforces mankind to behave as they should be, so that they could be emancipated at the Day of Judgment from the eternal fire. However, different religions have different perspectives on the concept of Akhirat. For better understanding of this concept, this discussion encompasses perspectives of both the Muslims and Non-Muslims pertaining to the Day of Judgment and Life in Hereafter. Perspective of Non-Muslims about the Life after Death/Akhirat:                 Atheist: Atheists are the people who do not really believe in any religion or in existence of any god. Thei


  Introduction :             The words Deen and Mazhab are often used interchangeably; however these two are different terms. To begin with, it’s pertinent to mention here that the word “Mazhab” has no existence in Islamic Text i.e. Quran and Hadith. The term “Mazhab” was derived by scholars of Islamic Jurisprudence in later stage of Islamic Evolution around the world. Deen, on the other side, is the name of scheme devised for humankind by God and propagated by His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Philosophical Background :             The Allah Almighty has created human being with two different aspects: the body and the spirit. The human body has its distinctive physical needs like socialization, food and shelter etc.   The same way human spirit has its own distinctive needs like meditation and establishing connection with its creator. The Religion fulfills the needs of human spirit however, Deen, on the other side, fulfills the needs of human body as well. The question arises, how?

Types of Crimes | Criminology | CSS

Introduction :             It’s been discussed in previous articles that since ages the mankind has been establishing societies based on norms, values and beliefs. However, there have always been people with deviant behavior who violate such norms. In modern age, these norms are set in written code and enforced by law, which is said to be criminal law. Any violation of criminal law is known as crime and the person who violates law is known as criminal. There are numerous types/kinds of crime and criminals. However, sociologists and criminologists have classified them into three broad categories, which are discussed in detail below:- Types / Kinds / Classifications of Crime: 1)        White Collar Crime: White-Collar Crime is one of the most sophisticated types of crime. When a person, who has been authorized and/or delegated immense power, abuses his power to gain personal, economic or other benefits is known as “While-Collar Crime”. It is the most common type of crime in our s

List of Countries with Capitals, Currencies and Languages | CSS PMS | GK

This List of Countries with their capitals, currencies and respective languages, is updated on 29th of April 2024. You are encouraged to comment in case of any development in the following list accordingly. Thanks!  Country Capital Currency Language(s) Afghanistan Kabul Afghan Afghani Pashto, Dari Albania Tirana Albanian Lek Albanian Algeria Algiers Algerian Dinar Arabic Andorra Andorra la Vella Euro Catalan Angola Luanda Angolan Kwanza Portuguese Argentina Buenos Aires Argentine Peso Spanish Armenia Yerevan Armenian Dram Armenian Australia Canberra Australian Dollar English Austria Vienna Euro Ger